Monday, January 10, 2011

Lighting Challenges

We have been working to promote the Endo and Artemide brands lately. Both are distinctly different brands. Endo is a pure technical lighting. A Japanese brand, and brings to the table the Japanese marvel of superioroty in design and application use, backed by fantastic pricing. 

But that is not what will make our brand sell. We are in the energy conservation space, and our appeal is quite different to various roles from our customers. 

For Project Managers, we are a way to make their project an energy efficient solution. But often, tight budgets come in the way and we are unable to move forward. We are approaching this in two ways:

1. Work on solutions and partnerships at the project design stage. If users integrate LED Lighting at the project design stage, then the savings, paybacks and benefits are much larger. Paybacks can often come down from 3 years to just over one and half years just by being a part of the design process. 

2. Instead of only approaching the project people, we are also talking to the Finance people. For us, more often than not, they are the real specifiers / influencers as a very good payback / IRR can turn the tides very quickly in our favour.

Learning : Look beyond the obvious. Dont just look for enquiries, but interact deeply with them. Also, your real friend or coach in the project may be currently not in your line of sight. But you have to get yourself into his.
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